The Benefits of Yogic Binds
November 28, 2016 | 2 min read
Yoga teachers have all sorts of poses and practices at their disposal to help their students. Take breath, for example: It’s something that yogis use to help calm the mind. But breath can also be used to help practitioners hold and strengthen during a particularly difficult pose.
Some poses and routines may be specific to a particular yoga practice, while some may not. Take binds: You can find yogic binds in every type of yoga. They can be intense or more forgiving, but they all involve the same sort of physical movement. The hands are clasped together—sometimes in front but most usually in back or behind the body—and the torso is twisted. The depth of the twist can also vary based on the pose, level of experience, and need of the practice.
There are many different types of binds that can fit into virtually all yoga practices. This graphic offers a good reminder of the steps to take and the binds you may want to integrate.
Source:Health Perch
Posted in Anatomy, Methodology, Teaching Resources