Side Plank Pose Variation
Vashishtasana variation

Side Plank Pose variation is the full expression of side plank, the vertical side balancing asana. This pose is commonly practiced in Iyengar classes and Side Plank Pose variation photos are popular on both Twitter and Instagram as the pose captures the power and grace of the yogasana in all its glory. One tweet read, Vashishtasana marries strength and flexibility. In addition to being a great big heart opening pose, Side Plank Pose variation strengthens arm, back and core.
Begin from plank pose. Shifting the weight of your body onto the right arm, extend the left arm along the left side of the body. Keep the body straight and slowly roll onto your right side, supported by the right hand, arm and outside of the right foot. Raise the left leg perpendicular to the floor and bend the knee towards the chest. Reach the left hand to the inside of the foot and take hold of the big toe with two index fingers. Straighten the knee and extend the leg, upward. Turn the gaze towards the toe. To exit the pose, bend the knee and release the toe hold. Lower the left leg and hand to the floor and return to plank. Repeat other side.

Finding your center is the key to achieving this pose. The TA Muscles (traverse abdominals) is the horizontal band of muscles that holds abs in place. Imagine zipping up the abs in a corset or belt. This action will give you the lift to keep hips from drooping and pull the belly in line with torso.


In plank, position the hands slightly in front of the shoulders. To strengthen the arms press middle finger and knuckles down. When rolling onto the side, keep body in one straight line from crown to heels. Firm the torso by pulling belly button towards spine. At the same time, drawing shoulders, blades and tailbone down. Push out through the heels and flex the feet to engage leg muscles.

- Drooping hips (Keep heels, hips and crown in one line)
- Collapsing elbows and wrists (practice on forearms)
- Loss of balance (modify)

- Wrist, elbow and knee injuries
- High blood pressure
- Heart conditions
- Hernia

- Practice with foot soles pressing against a wall
- Practice with back against a wall
- Use strap to hold foot in place
- Place top foot on floor in front of lower leg
- Practice with lower leg in bent knee resting on floor

- Place top leg in tree pose
- Lift top leg vertical and extend top arm over ear

- Cat-cow-child
- Vinyasa (plank, cobra, downdog)
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at