Revolved Downward Dog Pose
Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana

Revolved Downward Dog is a twisting variation of the commonly practised Downward Facing Dog Pose. Allowing for a deeper stretch to the hamstrings and the added bonus of building full-body coordination. This pose is equal parts challenging and invigorating.
Begin in Downward Dog. Inhale to lift your right hand away from the mat. Reach underneath the torso towards your left thigh. If you can place your right hand on the outside of your left foot. If that is not an accessible reach, allow the hand to rest on the outside of the shin or thigh. Slowly turn to look at your left arm keeping a gentle gaze. Hold for 30 seconds before slowly returning to Downward Dog and switching sides.

Imagine the muscles of the abdomen like a washcloth that is being wrung out. Visualizing that same action will help to twist without straining the low back.

This pose has many of the same challenges as Downward Facing Dog. If hamstring tightness exists it is safest to keep a slight bend in the knees. Be mindful of the weight bearing wrist, ensuring an even spread of the fingers and balanced weight placement across the hand.

- Full Body Stretch
- Deepened Hamstring stretch
- Digestion aide
- Strengthens arms
- Relieves back pain

- Neck pain
- Hamstring tightness
- Wrist alignment and weight

- Be cautious with wrist issues like carpal tunnel syndrome
- Avoid during later stages of pregnancy
- Avoid if recent trauma has occurred in the neck, back or muscles of the arms
- Do not practice with high blood pressure or ear infections

- Practice with a lifted leg to add a degree of difficulty to the twist by lifting the leg that is opposite your twisting hand. Example: if your right hand is resting outside of your left foot, lift the left leg.

- Practice with a lifted leg to add a degree of difficulty to the twist by lifting the leg that is opposite your twisting hand. Example: if your right hand is resting outside of your left foot, lift the left leg.

- Mountain Pose – Tadasana
- Child’s Pose – Balasana
Written By: Bre Nourse
Bre is an RYT 500 yoga teacher and wellness writer. Find out more about Bre at