Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I
Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Koundinya I is a standing arm balance that works the splits and a twist into a playful mid-air pose. Koundinya I is an impressive looking pose requiring skill and determination, but it is also a very accessible pose. Preceding poses should include a series of sun salutations to activate the core muscles and open the shoulders, crow and side crow, low lunge to stretch the psoas, and universal spinal twist to limber the back and spine.
Begin in tadasana with toes together. Step back into a lunge. Lower the left knee down to the ground. Place the hands onto the front knee and lift up through the torso. Bring the left hand to outside of right knee and turn the upper body to the right, bring the left elbow over the right knee. Place the hands flat down with fingers pointing towards the right edge of mat. Bend the elbows to make a shelf for the outer right thigh. Slide the chest forward and lift both feet off the ground. Stretch the left leg horizontal and the right foot back as for a split and hold. To exit the pose, sweep or step the left leg back to chaturanga. Take a vinyasa or child pose, then roll up to start position. Repeat other side.

Make the space between your hands, the center of gravity and your pose. Align your solar plexus to this point when tipping forward. The movement is similar to a helicopter, your torso the hub and your legs the propellers as you hover mid-air in flight.

From the kneeling position, inhale and raise the arm, revolving at navel or solar plexus. Hook the elbow around the outside of the knee to gain some purchase and twist deeper as in spinal twist. The higher the thigh rests on the arm, the easier it is to lift upwards and balance. Bend the elbows, keeping elbows and wrists in alignment. The upper arms should be parallel to the floor. The sternum and hands should make a triangle. Keep squeezing the elbows toward each other and roll back the shoulders. The eye gaze is on the floor about six inches in front of you.

- Strengthens core muscles, shoulders, arms and wrists
- Open hips, hamstrings and inner thighs
- Improves balance and focus
- Aids digestion
- Tones belly and spine

- Splaying elbows (squeeze elbows inward or use strap)
- Face planting (place bolster or block under face)
- Collapsing arms, wrists or shoulders (practice thigh taps to improve strength, power and endurance)

- Injuries to wrist, shoulder or hamstring
- Lower back injuries

- Lean torso onto upper arms
- Place feet on chairs, bolster or wall
- Place block under back thigh

- Enter from seated spinal twist or heroes pose
- Enter the pose from side crow

- Downward facing dog (Adho mukha svanasana)
- Child pose (Balasana)
- Happy Baby (Ananda balasana)
- Forward bend (Uttanasana)
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at https://www.facebook.com/brendahamletyoga