One-Legged Crow Pose
Eka Pada Bakasana

Begin in mountain pose (Tadasana). Step the feet hips width apart. Toes may turn out slightly. Bend the knees to a low squat. Come on to tip toes and bring the hands flat on the ground in front of the feet. Shift the weight into the hands, pressing down with forefinger and thumb. The elbows are bent making a tripod. Shift the weight onto the hands and raise the hips slightly, to lift the knees onto the upper arms and raising the feet off the ground. (crow pose) Next, shift the weight onto the left hand and stretch the right leg back until it is straight. Focus the eye gaze on the nose tip (nasikagra drishti). To exit the pose, bend right knee to upper arm, then lower feet. Return to mountain pose. Repeat other side.

Picture the body as a see-saw. The center point is the place where the knee meets the upper arm.To achieve a stable balance, the weight needs to be equally distributed between the two sides – the upper body and extended leg.

This pose is a balancing act. The out stretched leg acts as a counter balance to the forward movement of the upper body. To find your pivot point without face planting, take a breath or two in the crow (bakasana) . Focus the eye gaze on the nose tip (Nasikagra Drishti). Inhale to move head crown and sternum forward. Exhale to stretch the right leg back. To maintain the balance, hold the breath and keep the sternum moving forward.

- Improves balance and coordination
- Improves focus and concentration
- Strengthens arms, wrists, shoulders and back
- Strengthens core muscles, pelvis and legs
- Balances the nervous system

- Face planting – place bolster or blanket on floor in front
- Tucked chin – causes body to pitch forward
- Collapsing arms – bind with strap

- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Cerebral thrombosis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome or other related injuries
- Wrist and shoulder injuries

- Stand/squat-ing on a block helps to raise hips
- Place bolster or stack of blocks in front to rest head
- Bind arms with straps to support arms and shoulders
- Rest left knee on stack of blocks and or extend foot against wall

- Dynamic variation – Bend and extend leg on inhale and exhale

- Plank pose (Phalahakasana )
- Push-up pose (Chaturanga Dandasana )
- Front lying savansa (Advasana)
- Downward facing dog (Adho Muka Svanasana)
- Firefly pose (Tittibhasana)
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet, is teacher and journalist in Oxford, England. More information about Brenda can be found at