Flying Pigeon Pose
Eka Pada Galavasana

Flying pigeon pose is a mash-up of an inversion, arm balance and pigeon pose. To fully realise the challenges and rewards of this pose, imagine practicing pigeon pose mid-air on a trapeze. Preceding poses should include a series of sun salutations, chair pose followed by reverse pigeon to stretch the piriformis, crow practice and handstand.
Begin in Tadasana or chair pose. Bend your right leg and place the ankle across your left thigh. Bend the knees and slowly lower to a squat on tiptoes. Place your hands flat on the ground, directly in front of the feet. Bending your elbows, make a shelf for the lower right leg. Rest your right knee onto your right upper arm. The right foot rests on the left upper arm with the toes curling around the bicep (if possible. Now slide the chest forward more and extend the left leg straight. To exit the pose, bring the left foot to the floor. Walk the hands back to tiptoe pose and uncross the right leg. Slowly roll upwards to start in mountain pose. Repeat other side

To achieve this gravity defying pose and fly like a pigeon, you need to think like one. From the squat position, imagine you are pressing the ground away from you. This movement strengthens the arms and stabilises the shoulders. To gain momentum for lift-up, slide your chest forward and engage the core muscles. Picture your extend leg as a tail feather, light and lifting upward with the wind as you take flight.

From tiptoe pose. Place the finger tips in front of the feet. Stretch the sit bones back and the sternum forward, making the spine long and the back strong. Now, lower the hips, pressing the hands flat to the floor. Bend the elbows, making a shelf for the lower right leg to rest on the arms. The right shin presses against upper left arm, the right foot curls around left upper arm. Shift your weight to the hands. Slide the chest towards the front of the mat. Tip the upper body forward and bring the left foot off the floor. Slide the chest forward more and extend the left leg straight back. To exit the pose, bring the left foot to the floor. Uncross the right leg. Return to mountain pose. Repeat other side

- Strengths upper body, shoulders, arms and shoulders
- Improves balance, coordination and focus
- Tones abdominals, hips and legs
- Stretches hips and legs
- Stimulates digestive system

- Collapsing wrists and shoulder (use strap and/or modifications)
- Elbows pointing out (use strap and/or modifications)
- Stiff hips (prep with cradle and/or modifications)
- Face planting (place bolster in front of face and/or modifications)

- Wrist injuries
- Shoulder injuries
- Hip injuries
- High blood pressure and/or heart disease

- Baby flying pigeon (keep back leg bent with toe on floor or block)
- Practice with bolster under chest, forehead on blocks and back foot pressing against a wall
- Use strap around upper arms to keep elbows in

- Advanced version (straighten to crane arms, point toe and lift leg higher)
- Dynamic version (lift and lower toes to floor)

- Plank-upward facing dog to downward facing dog (Vinyasa)
- Child pose (Balasana)
- Cobra (Bhujangasana)
- Front lying corpse pose (Advasana)
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at