Firefly Pose

Begin in a low squat (namaskarasana). Bring the torso forward. Slide the shoulders and upper arms underneath the thighs. Bring hands around the back of the legs and place them behind the feet. Rest the thighs on the upper arms. Transfer the weight of the body from the feet to the hands and arms. Now lift the feet off the ground and extend the legs. To come out of the pose, lower the feet lightly to the ground and come back to start position –squat.

Take inspiration from the shape and spirit of the firefly – a flying beetle that glows with energy and light. Use phrases such as` bring a lightness of being to the body’, `sliding shoulders and upper arms underneath the thighs, extending the legs out in front of the body like delicate antennae, press the finger tips into the ground like tiny insect hands to push off, gliding into the air, gently touching the feet to the mat as you a light on the ground.

The chest needs to slide forward, so the upper arms can reach underneath the thighs. Keep moving the chest forward and the seat back without letting the posterior touch the ground. Keep the chin level with the floor and lengthen the neck, pointing the crown of the head away from the body. Spread the fingers and press the finger tips into the floor. Round the shoulders and draw the navel in and up to lift. Now bring the pelvis forward, counterbalancing this movement by extending the legs and pointing the toes at the same time as pushing the seat back (without letting it drop to the ground)

- Develops arm muscles
- Increases flexibility of shoulder joints and lower back
- Massages and tones abdomen and intestines
- Stimulates pancreas

- Twisting or collapsing wrists and elbows (keep fingers pointed straight and elbows bent back towards the body)
- Seat on the floor (bring the chest forward and extend back, neck and head)
- Shoulders and upper arms do not reach under thighs (keep feet on ground, gently working shoulders under)

- Sciatica
- Slipped discs and back injuries
- Hernia
- Heart problems and high blood pressure

- Beginners may find placing bricks under the hands and/or feet will provide the extra boost needed to lift out and up in this pose
- Students with tight hamstrings and/or weak knees may keep knees soft or bent in this pose (see variations)

- For two hands and arms pose (Dwi Hasta Bhjuasana) – similar to firefly, but keeping knees soft or in bent position
- From two hands and arms pose, bring feet together and cross ankles (insect pose)
- Insect pose with swinging or rocking of legs
- Full pose, from firefly, straighten the arms pressing the inner thigh against the upper arms

- Knees to chest (apasana)
- Seated forward bend (paschimottasana)
- Crow (bakasana)
- Downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
Written By: Brenda Hamlet RYT 200
Brenda is a yoga teacher and journalist in Oxford, England. More information about Brenda can be found at