Dolphin Plank Pose
Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

Dolphin Plank pose is a modified version of plank pose, practiced with the forearms flat on the mat. Dolphin Plank pose is a challenging core strengthening pose, that also works the arms, thighs and glutes. Dolphin Plank pose is typically practiced as part of power yoga or Vinyasa flow class.
Begin from a hands and knees posture. Lower the forearms, one-at-a-time onto the mat. Come onto the toes, as for Dolphin pose. Walk the feet back, until the shoulders are over the elbows and the torso is parallel to the mat. Press the forearms and elbow into the mat. Draw the shoulders down and against the back. Lengthen the tailbone towards the feet and stretch into heels, while lifting the front thighs towards the ceiling. Keep the throat soft and stretch the head away from shoulders. Eye gaze is on the mat.
To exit the pose, release the knees to floor and push back to child pose or hand-and-knees pose. Repeat 2 more times, holding the pose for 20-30 seconds.

To engage back and shoulder muscles, imagine pressing the floor away from you, using the palms and forearms.

When placing hands on mat, align the elbow beneath the shoulder. Hands may point slightly in, or forearms may be placed in straight line. Fingers should be spread, palms flat. In the final position the head, hips and belly should be in on straight line as for plank pose. Engage the thigh muscles, but avoid squeezing the buttocks.

- Strengthens core, shoulders, arms and thighs
- Stretches foot arch and neck/upper back
- Tones belly, glutes and thigh muscles
- Relieves mild depression and stress
- Improves balance
- Improves osteoporosis

- Hunching shoulders – draw the shoulders down and firm against back
- Slumping belly – engage thighs and stretch back into heels

- Shoulder and neck injuries

- Place bolster under belly
- Place block under forehead
- Lower knees to ground

- Clasp hands
- Raise one leg off the ground
- Begin in plank, lower forearms down, then press back to plank

- Child pose
- Cow-faced pose
- Locust pose
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at